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Underwater Plasma Technology (UWPT)

Underwater plasma technology (UWPT) is a brand new, unique in the world oxidation technology, which allows decomposition of the organic content of waste waters, be they dissolved or be they present in colloid form. Decomposition of the organic pollutants takes place directly inside the aquous solution or inside the emulsion, in a termic electric plasma zone that is generated by instantenous discharges of super capacitors created by the applied electricity on the surface of the submerging electrode/electrodes.

One of the major benefits of the technology is that in course of the purification process, the water content of the waste water does not need to be evaporated, therefore, the energy consumption of the process is much lower than that of the traditional combined distillation-incineration processes…

Electrochemical emulsion breaker for wastewater treatment and for breaking oil and water emulsions

There is almost no activity in the industry that would not output oil-products, oily emulsions or colloid oil containing waste waters, that due to environment protection reasons the plants are to handle as hazardous wastes.

During the development work an electrochemical procedure and a new type of apparatus have been achieved. The apparatus thickens and recovers the oil and other colloid content of industrial waste waters on-site. Dual benefit is attained through the application of our technology: on one hand, the ecological impact of oily contaminants is eliminated, on the other hand, water consumption of industrial sites can be significantly reduced by reusing the purified industrial water…
